While our accounts are still “suspended”, the ones that belong to the “Gendarmes of memory” who insulted Giampalo Pansa after his death are still on the loose; moreover we need to clarify that most of these keyboard warriors vomit their insults from fake accounts without even having the courage to put stand up for it.
When we published the “incriminated” editorial, we decided that we would not give space to such cowardice, but today we believe it is right to offer you a rundown of the tweets that driven us to write that article. They are preparatory for a question: do you think it’s fair that the axe of Twitter’s censorship has thrown itself against this newspaper, while hate spreaders like the ones you see below can continue, undisturbed, to publish their insults?
We ask this to you, who read and support us, but we also turn the question to the managers of Twitter because we are really curious to know the criterion according to which our tweets are negatively evaluated, and positively those you see below.
Già me lo vedo #Pansa rincorso e preso a calci nel culo da ogni partigiano che incontra ,per tutti i secoli dei secoli
— Orso La Peste (@nicmax25) January 13, 2020
Ciao #Pansa, porta con te il tuo revisionismo di merda e convinci tutti che tra angeli e diavoli in fondo non c’è nessuna differenza, anzi.
— Las hurdes (@terrasenzapane) January 13, 2020
Onore ai partigiani#Pansa uomo di merda
— savo (@_savox) January 12, 2020
ma come si fa a definire #Pansa uno “storico” quando ha scopiazzato dai rutti del fascista Pisanò??
— RAIsenzaberluschini (@RAIsenzaBerlusc) January 15, 2020
Thread #pansa uomo di merda https://t.co/eC7M65CJYE
— classe (@classe_tumblr) January 14, 2020
Lo schiferanno persino i vermi#Pansa
— Hoodie Dria ⓥ ma anche un po’ Gabry Malvagia (@OneDria) January 13, 2020
Giampaolo Pansa, uomo di merda. E ora finalmente è crepato e non sparge più la sua immondizia.#Pansa #GiampaoloPansa #antifascismo https://t.co/TRANsYvkcQ
— Italian Red Menace (@RobertoTheBlond) January 13, 2020
Porterò i miei cani a pisciare sulla tomba di #Pansa
— Lenciclopedia (@Trecaniii) January 13, 2020
Vi state difendendo #Pansa neanche fosse stato vostro padre. Che idoli di merda avete
— RafBigCat (@RafBigCat) January 13, 2020