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Angela, thank you for punching the woke ideology

Today you won, Angela. You were ripped away from the dream you have been fighting for since you were a child, but you had the courage not to conform to the single thought, literally punching the woke ideology, the insane drift that is destroying the foundations of our society.

Your story is the litmus test of the substantial cruelty of an ideology that many rightly call a mind virus, and your tears are a powerful symbol of resistance against the absurdities of a system that, in the name of a false inclusiveness used as an ideological cudgel, tramples common sense by endangering people’s safety and freedom.

In less than a minute, you were forced to retreat from the ring, not for lack of skill or strength, but because this absurd dictatorship wanted to assert itself by forcing you, a woman, to fight an opponent with male biological characteristics.

This episode is not just a sports issue, but a denunciation of how gender ideology can become dangerous and discriminatory, especially against women.

But the problem is not limited to the rings or playing fields. Gender ideology penetrates schools, instilling in young people the idea that identity is fluid and changeable at will and even that our children can decide to change sex, even without parental consent.

This indoctrination, which promotes “gender dysphoria” as a reality to be embraced without ifs and buts, is a veritable butchering of the mind and childhood. The purity of children is violated, destroying their identity in order to turn them into automatons devoid of a critical sense, perfectly homologated to the dictatorship of single thinking.

Hypocrisy is the hallmark of this ideology. On the one hand they proclaim the defense of women’s rights and on the other they support the uterus for rent; they say they want to protect the least of these, but they serve the interests of multinational corporations; they set themselves up as champions of freedom of speech, only to censor anyone who does not conform to political correctness. This witch-hunt climate is done on purpose to divide us into good guys (them, of course) and bad guys (anyone who “dares” to disagree).

In this scenario, your courage, Angela, shines like a light of hope. You reminded me of the gesture of Samanta Leshnak, an American soccer player who, in 2020, chose not to kneel and preferred to sing her anthem with her hand over her heart, a simple but powerful gesture that earned her charges of racism.

Like her, today you have shown that it is possible to resist the pressure of single thinking, defend our dignity and refuse to conform to a narrative rooted in hatred and distortion of reality.

By now a century ago Chesterton predicted that «fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.» That time has come: now more than ever it is essential to defend our ability to think for ourselves and freely express our opinions.

Your story, Angela, is an invitation to all of us not to bow our heads in the face of forced homologation, a reminder that we must find the courage to defend the fundamental values of our society. Head held high, without fear.

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è consulente di marketing strategico, keynote speaker e docente di branding e marketing digitale all’International Academy of Tourism and Hospitality. È stato inviato di «Vanity Fair» negli Stati Uniti per seguire Donald Trump, a Kiev per la campagna elettorale di Zelensky, collabora con diversi media ed è autore di 10 libri. Nel 2016, per promuovere la versione inglese de Il Predestinato ha inventato la sua finta candidatura alle primarie repubblicane sotto le mentite spoglie del protagonista del romanzo, il giovane Congressman Alex Anderson. Una case history di cui si sono occupati i principali network di tutto il mondo.

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